Sunday, July 8, 2012

Toddler's Picture Diary

You know how it's really hard to get your kids to share what happened when you were not around? Like, when ever you ask them: "What has happened in kindergarten today?", you get an answer: "Nothing!". Well, after much of tougth how to get some feedback from my little 3,5 year old girl, I've decided to start with her a picture diary.

Idea is really simple and all you need is blank notebook and crayons.

We started with conversation: "This is your new diary. I would like you ti add each day a picture of the event, thing that made you happy and after you draw it, you'll tell me what's on the picture and I'll write it down for you." So, she draw this (I know picture quality is bad... I'll explain bellow):

Left side of the picture presents "Night" and left side presents "Day". Bellow the picture is following description (translation from Croatian): "Today in kindergarten we played day-night. When teacher said night we would crouch, and when she said day we would stand up straight. At day time sun shines, at night is dark."

Not bad for a feedback and a little glimpse of the activities she enjoys in the kindergarten! :)

Note: This post is re-published from 2nd blog which I'm closing down as soon as all interesting bits and pieces are moved here since I don't have time to keep 2 similar blogs updated.

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