Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DIY Toys - Dora the Explorer Write and Wipe Activity Book - Part 1

After Dora the Explorer reusable counting cards and making memory cards from Dora the Explorer stickers, my next step is creating Dora the Explorer Write and Wipe Activity book.... from stickers, of course! :)

OK. Let's start, here is what I needed:

- one photo album - kind you get at the photo shops when you take your picture for developing, very cheap version for 13 cm x 9 cm photos (5 in x 3,5 in)
- Dora the Explorer stickers
- some printable worksheets I've created and you can use for free (link further down the page)
- scissors, pen and transparent tape
- and... your kids will need some dry-erase markers after you're done! :)

To put together Dora the Explorer Write and Wipe Activity Book, simply print out these pages:

After you print those pages out, cut around the outside line of the big square - two pages together! You'll fold them and place them in photo pockets when you're done sticking your stickers on them! Like this:

(Oh yes, I've added sticker on piece of cardboard and glued it on the front page of the photo album!)

I've created these in my native Croatian too and they are free for download:

Now that you have downloaded printables and cut them out, you should add stickers on the designated spots. Here is how it should look like (note, text on pictures is in Croatian but you have your English version):

Picture above: Which one is the smallest?

Pitured above:
Which one is the biggest? and Trace a letter - I for Isa

Picture above:
Trace letter (on picture is Z but English version is: S for Star)
and Which are the same?

Picture above:
Which one is different? and Trace letter: D for Dora

Picture above: Trace letter - B for Benny

That's it for today. I'll be adding more worksheets you can download for free tomorrow.

I've tried to make these printables as generic as possible. So, these pages can be used with any other cartoon characters!

See you tomorrow!

Note: This post is re-published from 2nd blog which I'm closing down as soon as all interesting bits and pieces are moved here since I don't have time to keep 2 similar blogs updated.

best toys for toddlers
Best Toys for Toddlers
Jump over and see what we are up to! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! My little one isn't quite ready for this... but she would love it anyways! Dora is what I put on for her when I need to take a shower (all by myself) or am cutting up things for dinner.

    I'd love if you'd link up at my Teaching Time post!



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