High paw for Toddlers in our lives! :)
Add your posts, articles, etc. about any activities you would like to share with others! It could be about games, activities, toys, books, etc. Only one rule: It has to be age appropriate for toddlers!
From last week's HIGH PAW:
Elmer's color tissue art by Seeds Network
Shoe shop play by Sun Hat & Wellie Boots
Ivory soap experiment by Hands on: as we learn
Tie die coffee filter eggs by the Chocolate Muffin Tree
Now, let's take a look at what you've been up to! Show us what you did last week with your toddlers! :)
PS. It would be great if you could use our button on your site or post and help us bring more parents to share here with us!

Thank you so much for featuring our Shoe Shop :) Love the great ideas you share here!